

About Jacky

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So far Jacky has created 4 blog entries.

Farmertronics Kick-Off Meeting

Am Montag, dem 6. Juli 2015 fand in den Geschäftsräumen von ICT Automatisering in Eindhoven das Kick-Off Meeting des Farmertronics Projektes statt. Es war ein inspirierendes Meeting, an dem alle Ingenieurs teilnahmen, die den ersten Prototypen des unbemannten Clean Tech Traktors entwickeln werden. Auf dem Foto ist das Team zu sehen (es fehlen leider Jan [...]

Farmertronics Kick-Off Meeting 2016-12-28T09:02:28+00:00

EU research shows need for action now on climate change

The EU-funded AMPERE project has analysed various projected scenarios on climate change and its effects on society and found that taking action sooner rather than later reduces the costs of mitigation. Melting icebergs at Jokulsarlon lagoon, Iceland Forecast models on the effects of climate change on society and the environment are complex and can yield [...]

EU research shows need for action now on climate change 2016-12-28T09:02:29+00:00